Saturday, February 15, 2014


Back in the US now, waiting in San Francisco for my connection to Seattle, I actually really lucked out here they were able to bump me up to an earlier flight with my checked bag and put me in an exit row, and waived the fee for all this. This morning I just barely made my flight in Lima by 5 minutes, every time I think for sure I have seen the extent of how slow a process can be my trip managed to surprise me, hah. Lima was a good two days at the end of my trip. I spent a fair amount of time hanging around with friends, one from University who is living there and her flat mates, the guy I met while traveling with whom I stayed, and a French couple I met in Huanchaco who I really enjoy chatting with. I also managed to squeeze some surfing in and find a few souvenirs.

I will be going through my pictures over the next week or two and putting some more up. I leave for Kodiak AK on Wednesday, and who knows perhaps there will be interesting things to write about or photograph up there. I'm planning to keep up the Spanish studies using, flash cards from various vocab lists of medical, idioms, and phrase lists online, possibly a few lessons over skype, and also trading e-mails or chatting with some of my traveling friends who speak fluent Spanish but want to improve English.

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